Waldemar Kapruziak

General Information
Hi. that's me. Welcome on my homepage. The only one page on whole internet where you can get some information about me as far as i know :-)
So I was born 09.11.1978 here in Szczecin, Poland. Since this day I have been doing some stuff like learning, taking some rest, traveling, do some sport and keep on living :) I still live in Szczecin with small breaks for travels and smaller trip. More information in sections below. If you are interested what's there be my guest and read.

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  Polish version
So carry on general information:
Age : 28
Place of living : Szczecin, Polnad ( see map on www.kapruziak.eu  or www.szczecin.pl )
Height : I dont know something like 1 m. 80
Wright :  Don't ask :-)
Interests computer science, AI, running, SF movies, movies at all, traveling a bit, statistics and economics, politics a bit and so on.

Yeah it was beautiful and careless period in my life. It ended 10.06.2002 when I graduated my master of science title on University of Szczecin. More information about this unusual place you can find on web page www.univ.szczecin.pl or faculty where i was studying www.wneiz.univ.szczecin.pl. But let's start from beginning and for better presentation let me use a table :)

More about my road across education at Education.

Old saying says: " travel broadens the mind". It's very true. I like to travel but always just few days before departure feel quite nervous and uncertain like I will be drawing troubles upon myself. But I don't regard any of my trips and probably will not.

Here in this section you can find information and photos from my Travels. Hope you enjoy !!



In my life sport always plays important role. It's give me a little bit relax and emotion which show me the best part of myself. Yeah it is many disciplines I'm pathetic at :),  some of them I like just watch in tv but some kind of activity I prefer just do.

More about my great sport career you can find at sport section. 

Future projects

Shortcut :)

Hey on this page you can find :
1. My picture
2. Something about my past
3. Something about my interests
4. My achievements
5. Something about current projects

Soon available:
-> polish version
-> more interesting project description
-> ftp account